Are you interested in how systems thinking and design for social change is done and how this can have an impact in policymaking?
If yes, join our upcoming science and policy workshop.
Society, scientists,and policymakers have to deal with wicked problems that can be assessed and solved only if seen in a systems context. In several modules that combine theory and hands-on workshops, we will move from system analysis to guidance in transforming social practices and policymaking. Participants will get to know a toolbox of techniques used in system mapping and system design. The course is designed as a series of half-day workshops with different experts and different tools. Participants are asked to bring their own problems and cases.
Lecturers: Melanie Paschke (PSC), Tobias Luthe (ETHZ), Laura Ferrarello (EPFL), Anais Sagaesser (scaling4good & innosuisse), Swen Bos (Empa)
More information and registration.

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