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Federal Council regulates crisis-related activation of scientific expertise

Bern, 08.12.2023 – At its 8 December meeting, the Federal Council adopted an implementation proposal regarding the creation of ad-hoc scientific advisory groups during crises. Switzerland’s ERI institutions are to jointly propose experts for the groups. The ERI institutions and the Confederation have drawn up a Code of Practice for participants in the Swiss National Science Advice Network.

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Science and Policy Mentoring: Careers in Science or Policy, or both?

11.09; 25.09; 09.10; 23.10; 13.11; 11.12 (16:00–19:00 h)

This course offers a perspective on possible career paths at the interface of science with policy. Recent graduates, including some PSC PhD program “Science and Policy” alumni, and more senior professionals will present their career paths in government, politics, NGOs or private companies.

Course registration required.

Contact: Dr. Luisa Last,, +41 44 632 02 71