Schlagwort: IT Services

Microsoft Teams Training for ETH Employees

Get fit and effective in Microsoft 365 and Teams. With many practical exercises, as well as tips and tricks: Register now for the basic module or an in-depth module.


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New customer areas at ITS Services for Departments

The process of integration: From the first contact to regular IT operation based on the Institute for Electronics and Institute for Building Materials of ETH Zurich.

During our most recent integrations of the Institute for Electronics, D-ITET and of the Institute for Building Materials, D-BAUG, we were once again able to successfully apply our tried-and-tested procedure.


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Project Management – Handbook of the ETH IT Services

The PM Handbook defines the uniform, binding terminology for conducting projects within IT Services.

In general, projects are handled at IT Services according to a uniform, simplified methodology based on Hermes. The PM Handbook of IT Services defines this uniform, binding terminology by describing the phases, milestones, goals and results per phase.


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Welcome, Dimitrios Fazzone!

Dimitrios Fazzone started at ETH Zurich on Tuesday the 1st of June 2021 and will succeed Dr Giorgio Broggi, Head of ITS Software Services.


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Review of Informatiktage 2021

Following the cancellation at short notice of the ETH programmes in 2020 due to COVID-19, this year IT Services and the D-INFK department chose to realise digital programmes from the very start.

60 events, 90 school classes and 1,200 individual logins
60 events, 90 school classes and 1,200 individual logins

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Distance learning in spring semester 2021

The spring semester started the same way the autumn semester ended: Mostly on Zoom, with the option of teaching in empty lecture halls at ETH.


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Discover the world of IT: Informatiktage 2021

The programme for the Informatiktage, which will take place from Monday 12 to Friday 16 April 2021, has now been published. This year the offer is aimed at kindergarten classes, primary schools, secondary school levels 1 and 2, and teachers. Numerous courses for teachers provide content that they can teach to their classes themselves using the materials provided after the course.


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Covid: the Fight against IT Bottlenecks

High network performance at ETH Zurich was no longer required during the Covid crisis, remote access to the server and laboratory infrastructure via VPN was in demand instead.


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Expansion of Software Asset Management at ETH

Software Asset Management (SAM) is responsible for software infrastructure as a part of IT Asset Management (ITAM). These SAM activities mainly aim to optimise costs, create transparency and ensure compliance: use of the software must be in line with its contract.


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Young ‘n’ Rising: a Success Story

ETH News reports on the pilot project “Young ‘n’ Rising: education with a reality check”. Congratulations are in order!


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