ITS customer satisfaction survey 2024
The results of our recent customer satisfaction survey are now available, and we would like to thank you for your valuable feedback. The report has been published.
WeiterlesenThe results of our recent customer satisfaction survey are now available, and we would like to thank you for your valuable feedback. The report has been published.
WeiterlesenETH Zurich’s IT Services are certified according to ISO/IEC 20000-1 and ISO/IEC 27001. This year (2024), ITS passed the recertification process again, and the validity of the two certificates was extended until 2027.
WeiterlesenNew students, new academic staff or new administrative and technical staff: it is worth consulting the new IT brochures when starting at ETH.
The IT Services support teaching, research and administration by providing services in the field of information and communication technologies. Which IT services these are, which areas the individual IT services cover, which functions they contain and how they can be obtained is described in the IT Service catalogue. The service catalogue is an important element of ITS’s communication with its customers.
WeiterlesenThree times a year we publish the external newsletter inside|out in German and English. Find out what’s going on in IT at ETH Zurich. Subscribe to the newsletter to stay up to date.
The Informatiktage 2024 were a complete success! 175 participants attended the ITS school class programmes, ITS workshops and IT tours from 18 to 23 March 2024.
For the start of the 2023 autumn semester, the ITS APPS section put the new «Cookpit» system into operation by working closely with the responsible departments at ETH, along with external caterers.
WeiterlesenSchool is over, and the start of your studies is approaching. Congratulations! You have made your decision and are starting at ETH Zurich. I’m sure it’s with anticipation, respect and a little bit of fear. Keep in mind that everyone is as clueless as you are. The IT Services (ITS) will support you in IT matters, just like all those who started before you. And we understand that many question marks are buzzing in your heads.
Weiterlesen«Knowing what’s going on in IT at ETH Zurich»: The 26th newsletter inside|out is online.
In aviation, safe traffic in and above the clouds is ensured by pilots, on-board/control instruments and, ultimately, ground control centres. The latter monitor the entire airspace and ensure that traffic flows leaving their own airspace can also be secured.