Schlagwort: ITS SIS

More than just data: Online Workshop Series

The amount of data generated in scientific research projects is steadily increasing. For this reason, Data Management (DM) is nowadays an essential component of every research activity. Moreover, most funding agencies require a Data Management Plan (DMP) for new grant applications.


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Four-day course in «Parallel Programming with MPI/OpenMP”

For the second time, the four-day course Parallel Programming with MPI/OpenMP, organised by Thomas Wüst (ITS SIS), was met with great interest in August 2017. 57 participants from 12 different ETH departments (D-BAUG, D-BSSE, D-CHAB, D-ERDW, D-GESS, D-HEST, D-ITET, D-MATH, D-MATL, D-MAVT, D-PHYS and D-USYS) and one technology platform (NEXUS), other Swiss and foreign universities and research institutes (including Harvard University and the Paul Scherrer Institute) as well as private companies (Disney Research and Infineon) took part in this year’s course. Weiterlesen

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Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology 2017 conference in Prague

The conference Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) is the biggest annual forum for bioinformatics and IT related to life sciences. Every second year the conference is held in Europe and combined with European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB). This year ISMB/ECCB location was Prague. Over 2000 participants flocked the Prague Conference Centre near the Vysehrad castle between the 21-25 of July. Weiterlesen

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Open Research Data Hackdays at ETH Zurich

The first Swiss Open Research data hackdays took place on June 5 and 6, 2015, at ETH Zurich and the University of Lausanne concurrently. Weiterlesen

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