Schlagwort: Multimedia Services

Live streaming – professional or «do it yourself»

The demand for «live streaming» events has noticeably increased in recent years. Multimedia Services have therefore updated the service and the underlying technologies accordingly, and offer different solutions to meet different customer needs. Weiterlesen

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From a single source ­– cheaper event recordings through a new production system

For five years, Multimedia Services› mobile HD production unit has been enabling the reliable recording of conferences, events and lectures in (almost) every room of the ETH and, on request, even outside of it. More than 2,000 videos from more than 500 events have been produced since then, ranging from multi-day conferences to individual evening lectures. As with all technical devices, after five years at the latest the time has come to invest in a replacement. With an output format of 720p (these days, 1080p, known as «Full HD», is customary), there was reason enough to replace the current production system, especially since a larger car and significant effort is required to transport it. Weiterlesen

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Cooperation between ITS Multimedia Services and the ETH-Bibliothek

Multimedia Services is supporting the ETH-Bibliothek with the implementation of its video strategy and helping it to sharpen its profile in social media.


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Digital boards

ITS MMS PD is currently evaluating a solution for the automatic recording of lectures where the board plays a central role.


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