Schlagwort: Information Security

Making of inside|out No. 30

“Knowing what’s going on in IT at ETH Zurich”: The 30th newsletter inside|out is online.

Background icons for the current newsletter inside|out No. 30
Background icons for the current newsletter inside|out No. 30

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Information security E-Learning update

Learning objective: You are aware of the most important measures to protect ETH Zurich and yourself from IT and information security incidents.


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Compliance Training – Information Security

Security at ETH: Not only for new employees

The “Information Security” training module is available on “Moodle Learning Management System ETH Zurich”.


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The Information Security Officer Network (ISO)

The Executive Board of ETH Zurich has issued the directive “Information Security at ETH Zurich”, which entered into force on 1 May, 2018.


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