How do I send a big file to someone?

You want to send a file (by mail) to a colleague but the mail server rejects your attempt because the file is too big (usually bigger than 5 – 20 MB)?

Here are some tips on how to “send” huge files:

Use the Polybox sharing feature:

  1. Log in to with your ETH Password for Web-Application (AAI/LDAP)
  2. Upload the file to the Polybox (if it’s not already there)
  3. Click on the “Share” symbol next to the filename

4.  Go to “Public Links” and hit the button “Create public link”

5.  Now you can set a password, a expiration date and enter the mail address of the recipient in the “Send link via email” field and hit the “Save” button, the recipient will get a email. You still have to give him the password if you have set one.

6. To add additional recipients you can use the “gear” button

7. Here you can add a additional email address, the previous password will still be valid


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in Mail and Calendar,Share

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