FAQ and Howtos Backup Syncronize your Files with FreeFileSyncSyncronize your Files with UnisonBackup: I deleted a file… how can I restore it?Build Automation Build Automation with GitLab PipelinesCode Repositories Build Automation with GitLab PipelinesRequest a Gitlab Account for People without an ETH AccountGrant Permissions on a Git RepositoryCreate a Git RepositoryComputing SagemathEuler for D-MATH usersJupyter NotebookHowto use docker at D-MATHLinux Environment Modules at the D-MATHUsing “screen” to run simulations on a remote hostTensorflowCentral Clients of D-MATHGeneral Information New Member of D-MATHAccessing your files (on the server)External Cloud ServicesNew Mailserver – Exchange Online (EXO)Room reservation with calendarMoodle Development Environmentminikube (Kubernetes Development)ETH softwareWrite Multiple Choice ExamsiPad ResetZoom Single Sign-On (SSO) authenticationStandard IT equipmentCitrix / Back Office ApplicationsWhere to buy computers and peripheralsTipps for smartphones and tablets, recommended appsLeaving ETH ZurichTechnical support in lecture halls and seminar roomsHome Office Home office for D-MATH membersAccess to D-MATH network using ‘tango’SSH Access to D-MATH network from outsideSecure File Transfer (SFTP) to the D-MATH networkPolybox Cloud StorageLinux SagemathMoodle Development Environmentminikube (Kubernetes Development)Linux (Evolution) local mail archiveHowto use docker at D-MATHLinux Environment Modules at the D-MATHTensorflowMail and Calendar New Mailserver – Exchange Online (EXO)Room reservation with calendarLinux (Evolution) local mail archiveArchive e-mailsMail CertificateGive Permissions to CalendarHome office for D-MATH membersHow can someone send me big files?Address BookUsing a Shared Mailbox and/or CalendarMailing-Lists of D-MATHHow do I send a big file to someone?OS X OS X problem with 802.1XSettings for TeXShop (and other Mac TeX-Editors)Password How to Protect a Webpage with a PasswordChanging your passwordPrinting Color printingList of Printers at D-MATHPrinting at D-MATHShare Home office for D-MATH membersHow can someone send me big files?Using a Shared Mailbox and/or CalendarPolybox Cloud StorageRequest a Gitlab Account for People without an ETH AccountGrant Permissions on a Git RepositoryHow do I send a big file to someone?SSH SSH Access to D-MATH network from outsideSecure File Transfer (SFTP) to the D-MATH networkSSH key fingerprints of D-MATH hostsTeX Write Multiple Choice ExamsSettings for TeXShop (and other Mac TeX-Editors)VPN and WiFi Home office for D-MATH membersWi-Fi and VPN configurationWeb Personal homepagePersonal homepage with ETH LayoutHow to Protect a Webpage with a PasswordWindows Microsoft Office & Adobe Acrobat (Windows)