Mail Certificate

The following official ETH documentation describes how to order and configure a new mail certificate:

If you use other e-mail clients that aren’t documented, please contact us – for example, below is a step-by-step guide for the Evolution Mail Client for Linux.

Important note for students

We issue e-mail certificates only to D-MATH employees (excluding teaching assistants!), and only to D-MATH students who have a good reason and whose request is supported by a D-MATH professor.

Evolution Mail Client (Linux)

Here is the configuration for the evolution mail client, which many of us use.

After ordering and downloading the mail certificate you can do the following to integrate it in your evolution mail client.

  • Open Evolution and go to Edit -> Preferences
  • Go to “Certificates” and import your certificate
  • You will be asked for the password, that you have received when downloading the certificate
  • Now you have your certificate imported
  • Next you need to link your mail account with the certificate, in the menu go to “Accounts”
  • On the left side choose “Security” and select your imported certificate for the “Secure MIME (S/MIME)” signing and encrypting certificate.


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