Nomina dubia
Brood cells of Hoplitis (Alcidamea) mitis (Nylander, 1852) under a removed stone (left) and female of the same species collecting pollen on Campanula, the species’ exclusive pollen source (right); the brood cells consist of leaf fragments imbricately glued together, forming a cone-like structure. Fotos A. Müller.
The following names cannot be assigned with certainty to taxa among the osmiine bees:
Apis farfarisequa Scopoli, 1763, Entomologia Carniolica, p. 300.-Potential synonym of Osmia rufa globosa (Scopoli) [= Osmia bicornis globosa (Scopoli)] in Warncke (1986: 96).
Apis frontalis Villers, 1789, Caroli Linnaei Entomologia Faunae Suecicae, vol. 3, p. 330.-Potential synonym of Osmia rufa globosa (Scopoli) [= Osmia bicornis globosa (Scopoli)] in Warncke (1986: 98).
Apis fusca Scopoli, 1763, Entomologia Carniolica, p. 303.-Potential synonym of Osmia bicolor (Schrank) in Warncke (1986: 99).
Apis fuscescens Villers, 1789, Caroli Linnaei Entomologia Faunae Suecicae, vol. 3: p. 320.-Potential synonym of Osmia bicolor (Schrank) in Warncke (1986: 99).
Apis hemisphaerica Schrank, 1781, Enumeratio Insectorum Austriae, p. 411.-Potential synonym of Osmia rufa globosa (Scopoli) [= Osmia bicornis globosa (Scopoli)] in Warncke (1986: 100).
Apis lutescens Gmelin, 1790, Caroli a Linné systema naturae […], edn. 13, vol. 1, p. 2790 [not seen].-Potential synonym of Osmia florisomnis (Linnaeus) [= Chelostoma florisomne (Linnaeus)] in Warncke (1986: 104).
Apis melodes Harris, 1776, Exposition of English Insects, p. 165.-Potential synonym of Osmia ventralis (Panzer)[= Osmia leaiana (Kirby)] in Warncke (1986: 105).
Apis pusilla Christ, 1791, Naturgeschichte der Insekten, p. 160 [not Fabricius, 1781].-Potential synonym of Osmia rufa globosa (Scopoli) [= Osmia bicornis globosa (Scopoli)] in Warncke (1986: 108).
Apis rufipes Christ, 1791, Naturgeschichte der Insekten, p. 161.-Potential synonym of Osmia rufa globosa (Scopoli) [= Osmia bicornis globosa (Scopoli)] in Warncke (1986: 110).
Apis strenuus Harris, 1776, Exposition of English Insects, p. 164.-Potential synonym of Osmia rufa (Linnaeus) [= Osmia bicornis (Linnaeus)] in Warncke (1986: 111) [not Harris, 1776, p. 131, which refers to Bombus proteus Gerstaecker [= Bombus soroensis proteus Gerstaecker] according to Dalla Torre (1896: 514) or Bombus lapidarius (Linnaeus) according to Warncke (1986: 111)]
Apis tacitus Harris, 1776, Exposition of English Insects, p. 165.-Potential synonym of Osmia ventralis (Panzer) [= Osmia leaiana (Kirby)] in Warncke (1986: 112).
Apis tumidus Harris, 1776, Exposition of English Insects, p. 165.-Potential synonym of Osmia florisomnis (Linnaeus) [= Chelostoma florisomne (Linnaeus)] in Warncke (1986: 113).
Apis unicornis Christ, 1791, Naturgeschichte der Insekten, p. 160.-Potential synonym of Osmia florisomnis (Linnaeus) [= Chelostoma florisomne (Linnaeus)] in Warncke (1986: 113).
Apis ventralis Panzer, 1798, Faunae Insectorum Germanicae, 56: 20.-Combination Megachile ventralis (Panzer) in Dalla Torre (1896: 451). Combination Osmia ventralis (Panzer) [= Osmia leaiana (Kirby)] in Warncke (1988a: 30). See also Özbek and Zanden (1992a: 27) and Schwarz et al. (1996: 123).
Heriades gasperinii Schmiedeknecht, in: Gasperini, 1890, Annuario Dalmatico, 5: 63.-Potential synonym of Chelostoma mocsaryi Schletterer in Zanden (1990: 52). See also Westrich (2006).
Heriades pusilla Spinola, 1808, Insectorum Liguriae, vol. 2, p. 57.-Synonym of Megachile punctatissima Spinola, 1806 [= Stelis punctulatissima (Kirby, 1802)] according to Schletterer (1889: 688), but probably synonym of an Osmia (Hoplosmia) species (Praz, 2017).
Osmia atricapilla Curtis, 1828, British Entomology, vol. 5, [no.] 222.8. Type material: Holotype f, [United Kingdom].-Potential synonym of Osmia nigriventris (Zetterstedt, 1838) in Tkalcu (1995: 140). See Tkalcu (1995: 140).
Osmia cinctella Dours, 1873, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie Pure et Appliqué, ser. 3, 1: 296. Type material: Syntypes mm, ff “Iles de l’Archipel grec” [Greece], “Algérie” [Algeria]. Type material lost (Tkalcu, 1977b: 232; Zanden, 1990: 52).-Syntypes probably belong to both Osmia (Helicosmia) dives Mocsary, 1877 (Greek specimens) and Osmia (Helicosmia) frieseana Ducke, 1899 (Algerian specimens).
Osmia interrupta Latreille, 1811, Encyclopédie Méthodique, Histoire Naturelle, Insectes, vol. 8: 583. Type material lost.-Potential synonym of Anthocopa anceyi (Pérez, 1879) [= Hoplosmia anceyi (Pérez)] in Zanden (1988b: 128). See also Zanden (1994b: 1114).
Osmia micro-gramma Dours, 1873, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie Pure et Appliqué, ser. 3, 1: 297. Type material lost.-Potential synonym of Anthocopa croatica (Friese, 1893) [= Hoplosmia croatica (Friese)] in Tkalcu (1974a: 123). See also Zanden (1994b: 1114).
Osmia purpurata Ducke, 1899, Entomologische Nachrichten (Berlin), 25: 215. Type material lost.-Potential synonym of Osmia gracilicornis Pérez, 1895 in Peters (1977). See also Müller (2022a: 218).
Osmia recta Pérez, 1902, Procès-verbaux de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, 57: 63. Type material: m, “Algérie” [Algeria], MNHN (Paris). Holotype severly damaged (only head, thorax, fore and middle leg remaining), rendering assignment to species impossible; the linear parapsidal lines indicate that the species belongs to Hoplitis rather than to Osmia (Melanosmia) as assumed by Ungricht et al. (2008) (A. Müller, unpublished).
Osmia scorpia Vachal, 1910, Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 10: 178. Type material lost.-Potential synonym of Hoplitis quadrispina (Tkalcu, 1992) in Zanden (1994b: 1117).
Osmia sicula Dalla Torre & Friese, 1895, Entomologische Nachrichten (Berlin), 21: 72. NOMEN NOVUM for the preoccupied Osmia minuta Destefani, 1887 [not Osmia minuta Bramson, 1879]. Type material lost.-Potential synonym of a Protosmia species in Zanden (1988b: 129).
Pseudosmia parva Radoszkowski, 1874, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 48: 158. Type material: f(f), “Frauenfeld” [Switzerland?].-NOMEN DUBIUM based on the poor description and the unclear origin.
Pseudosmia taurica Radoszkowski, 1874, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 48: 157. Type material: Syntypes m(m), f(f), “Crimée (Salguir)” [Ukraine].-Combination Hoplitis (Pseudosmia) taurica (Radoszkowski) in Zanden (1988b: 119).-Synonymy with Osmia (Helicosmia) dimidiata Morawitz, 1870 in Ungricht et al. (2008), rejected by Ivanov et al. (2013).-NOMEN DUBIUM based on the poor description and the unavailabity of the types.
† Apiaria dubia Germar, 1849, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft (Berlin), 1, 66. Compression fossil. Upper Oligocene. Orsberg (Bonn, Germany).-Combination Osmia dubia (Germar) in Giebel (1856: 182), accepted by Handlirsch (1906-1908), but generic determination questioned by Zeuner and Manning (1976: 186).