Subgenus Chelostomopsis
The subgenus Chelostomopsis Cockerell is distributed both in the Palaearctic and the Nearctic region. It contains 4 described species, 3 of which occur in the Palaearctic.
Protosmia (Chelostomopsis) angustimandibulae Müller, 2017
2017 Protosmia (Chelostomopsis) angustimandibulae Müller, Zootaxa, 4227: 3. Type material: f, “10km N of Jerash” [Jordan], ETHZ (Zurich).
Distribution-Southwestern Asia: IL, JOR, TR.
Identification-Keys, Descriptions: No supplementary or more detailed morphological description known.
Nesting biology: Unknown.
Flower preferences: Polylectic; pollen sources include Asteraceae (Carduoideae, Cichorioideae, Asteroideae), Brassicaceae, Convolvulaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Monocots and Antirrhineae (Müller, 2017).
Protosmia (Chelostomopsis) capitata (Schletterer, 1889)
1889 Chelostoma capitatum Schletterer, Zoologisches Jahrbuch für Systematik, 4: 647. Type material: f(f), “Nord-Afrika (Algier)” [Algeria].-Combination Heriades capitatus (Schletterer) in Friese (1911b: 17). Combination Chelostomopsis capitatus (Schletterer) in Tkalcu (1975a: 176).
1895 Chelostoma mystax Pérez, Espèces nouvelles de mellifères de Barbarie, p. 20. Type material: Syntypes mm, [Algeria], MNHN (Paris).-Combination Heriades mystax (Pérez) in Friese (1911b: 22).-Synonymy in Benoist (1928d: 107).
1897 Eriades trilobatus Friese, Entomologische Nachrichten (Berlin), 23: 194. Type material: Syntypes mm, “Algeria” [Algeria], ZMHB (Berlin) and NMW (Wien).-Synonymy in Benoist (1928d: 108).
Distribution-Europe: E, P. Northern Africa: DZ, MA, TN.
Identification-Keys, Descriptions: Friese (1898); Müller (2017).
Nesting biology-Nesting site: Most probably preexisting cavities: insect burrows in dead wood. Nesting material: Unknown. (Müller, 2017)
Flower preferences: Polylectic; pollen sources include Lamiaceae (Nepetoideae, Lamioideae), Asteraceae (Carduoideae, Cichorioideae), Cistaceae, Fabaceae (Genisteae, Loteae), Brassicaceae and Crassulaceae (Müller, 2017).
Protosmia (Chelostomopsis) longiceps (Friese, 1899)
1899 Eriades longiceps Friese, Entomologische Nachrichten (Berlin), 25: 326. Type material: Lectotype f, by designation of Griswold (1994a: 26), “Libanon” [Lebanon], ZMHB (Berlin).
1928 Heriades depauperata Benoist, Bulletin du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle Paris, 34: 334. Type material: Holotype f, “Anatolie” [Turkey], MNHN (Paris).-Synonymy in Griswold (1994a: 26).
Distribution- Europe: GR(Aegean Islands, Crete), SCG. Southwestern Asia: IL, JOR, RL, SYR, TR.
Identification-Keys, Descriptions: Griswold (1994a: 26); Mavromoustakis (1955b: 333-334); Müller (2017).
Nesting biology: Unknown.
Flower preferences: Polylectic; pollen sources include Fabaceae (Trifolieae, Loteae, Hedysareae), Asteraceae (Carduoideae, Cichorioideae), Cistaceae, Lamiaceae (Nepetoideae, Lamioideae), Caryophyllaceae, Boraginaceae, Monocots, Brassicaceae, Campanulaceae and Rosaceae (Müller, 2017).