Schlagwort: IT Services

Informatiktage 2018: Exhibition and Informatics Festival

The Informatiktage 2018 will take place on Friday 1 & Saturday 2 June 2018. We are looking forward to your visit!


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Sophos Exploit Prevention (SEP) in the Sophos Enterprise Console (SEC)

NotPetya and WannaCry kept the entire IT landscape on its toes in 2017, and it was replaced at the beginning of 2018 with Spectre and Meltdown. This meant IT security became an everyday topic, and not only for specialists. Even though such massive problems are initially very bad news for the reputation of an entire sector, there are nevertheless some positive side effects. In this case, it means above all that «Security Awareness» was once again on everyone’s mind. This in turn often produces the need for new products and services. Weiterlesen

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Responsive Design for the ETH Website

An ever increasing number of mobile devices are being used to surf the internet. And we wish to support this development at ETH Zurich. IT Services and Corporate Communications have carried out a joint project, that makes the websites on our Web Content Managment System responsive.


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Walk-in Event 7. April 2016

Exciting new developments in the IT environment of ETH Zurich and  IT Training.  What will be different in the future and what is the impact on you? Weiterlesen

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Software licences? IT Shop!

IDES is being replaced by the modern IT Shop. The successful central software purchasing model will remain unchanged. Weiterlesen

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The «IT Security Initiative»

ETH Zurich has launched its «IT Security Initiative» under the motto «Protect your brainwork».

Protect your brainwork


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The IT Bridge Builders

«We build bridges between IT Services and professors, lecturers, researchers and staff.
We execute our tasks, focused on people, quality, effectiveness, and efficiency….». Weiterlesen

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«Gut Feeling» with Kontakt über Mittag / Lunchtime Meeting

The ETH-Newsletter runs an article under the title “How the gut feeling shapes fear».  “Lunchtime Meeting” decides to find out more about the gut-brain connection. Members of the IT Services got the chance to visit the institute in Schwerzenbach, a new building for us, and to get to know our “customers” a bit better. Weiterlesen

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