The «IT Security Initiative»

ETH Zurich has launched its «IT Security Initiative» under the motto «Protect your brainwork».

Protect your brainwork


The campaign has been called into being by ETH Zurich’s Information Security Boards (ISO Boards) in order to raise awareness of IT security issues. It gives ETH staff and students specific advice on how to avoid IT security mishaps. The first subject addressed is the correct handling of data. Further initiatives dealing with other key areas will be launched in future.

The main stakeholders in the IT Security Initiative are the Head IT Support (ISL) (Department Contacts), the SSHE (Safety, Security, Health and Environment) department, the Legal Office and the IT Services department (ITS). For specific topics, additional experts are called in (e.g. ETH-Bibliothek).

ISO Boards

The Information Security Officer Boards (ISO Boards) want to raise information security awareness among ETH staff and students. Two to four issues will be addressed each year. The initiative will offer support on the associated issues.
Information Security deals with information about

  • Availability
  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Traceability


  • ETH Zurich «Protect your brainwork. IT Security Initiative» (About)
  • Information Security Officer Boards (ISO Boards)
  • Ensuring digital information does not get lost (ETH news)
  • ETH raises awareness for IT risks (Netzwoche) German
  • Awareness campaign at the ETH (Computerworld) German
  • Ensuring digital information does not get lost (inside-it) German


If you have any questions, problems, concerns or suggestions regarding your IT environment, please contact the responsible department. (Overview)


(External translation service)

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