Making-of inside|out No. 28
“Knowing what’s going on in IT at ETH Zurich”: The 28th newsletter inside|out is online.
Weiterlesen“Knowing what’s going on in IT at ETH Zurich”: The 28th newsletter inside|out is online.
WeiterlesenMult-factor authentication (MFA) may be an unwieldy term, but with the introduction of MFA, IT Services are significantly increasing security in central web applications. The comprehensive introduction of MFA at ETH Zurich is planned for the second half of the year.
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Security at ETH: Not only for new employees
The «Information Security» training module is available on «Moodle Learning Management System ETH Zurich».
WeiterlesenAll safeIT cartoons are available via the new videoportal. Please help us to increase security at ETH and embed the cartoons in your ETH website.