Licensing Awareness Event
An Awareness Program of the IT Services, division IT Procurement & Portfolio (ITS PPF).
In spring 2014, IT Services (ITS) for the first time held an event, the objective of which was to increase user awareness in relation to licensing. A lot of users took part in the event, and ITS received a lot of feedback from them stating that they would like more in-depth information on the subject of «correct licensing».
As a result of this, ITS has developed a follow-up event, which deals with the licensing of Microsoft-based products. This product segment was selected by the users themselves because, on the one hand, the products in question are in widespread use at ETH and, on the other, licensing is very complex and thus difficult for end users to handle.
«Microsoft Licensing» event
On Tuesday, November 3, 2015, ITS held an event called «Microsoft Licensing». During the event, ITS explained to the responsible IT employees and end users
- how to purchase products,
- where «licence traps» can be found, and
- which things must be noted when purchasing and using the products.
Hands-on scenarios were used to highlight the licence models. Many representatives from the institute and departments were surprised by the complexity: some were astonished just how fast it is possible to violate licence conditions, even when they did their best to license the software correctly. The users however also found out that ITS can support them directly and competently with this matter, in order to ensure correct and yet cost-effective licensing. According to ITS, it is important on the other hand to familiarize users with the subject, as the correct usage of software licences is very significant for the reputation of ETH Zurich.
The event will probably be repeated at the beginning of 2016 on the Hönggerberg campus.
- Awareness Program & Information Events
- Acquisition and use of software licenses at ETH Zurich (ITS Blog)
- Contract Law for IT procurement at ETH Zurich (ITS Blog)
- How does GATT-WTO affect ETH procurements (ITS Blog)
- Services or Employee Leasing (ITS Blog)
Contact and German text
- Ralph Curschmann, Group Manager Technical Procurement & Support, ITS IT Procurement & Portfolio (ITS PPF)
- Waiting list for courses: Awareness Program (please register)
(External translation service)
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