Acquisition and use of software licenses at ETH Zurich

Software purchase and use entail many important aspects which buyers, IT supporters, and especially end users must be aware of.

Ignorance can become expensive and, even worse, may mean violations of rules or even illegality.

Information Event

To prevent unnecessary problems, the IT Services have organized a series of information events as part of an awareness program in which ETH members are alerted to certain basic rules. These rules are crucial when purchasing, obtaining and using licensed software, hardware, services, and when issuing a call for tender.

What is it all about?

1. Compliance (what is permitted, what should I avoid)
2. Cost awareness (procurement with favorable academic terms)
3. Accountability (IT-procurement, supporter, end user)

In this regard, IDES, our software ordering system, plays a central role by providing simple, rapid and compliant software procurement. The IT Services IDES team is available for support and consulting.

Discussions with the audience showed that more in-depth topics such as “details to Microsoft Campus Agreement” or “software from / in the cloud” are of great interest. The IT Services are gratified with the high level of participation and consequently intend to offer an even larger range of information events as soon as possible .

Waiting-list Courses

For those interested to learn more on the above topics, IT Training Administration (ITA) offers waiting list courses on the subject of awareness. Courses are organized according to demand.

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in News English, Support

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