Kategorie: News

Cookpit: culinary delights in pictures and words

For the start of the 2023 autumn semester, the ITS APPS section put the new “Cookpit” system into operation by working closely with the responsible departments at ETH, along with external caterers.


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Where’s my email?

Are you expecting an email, but it just hasn’t landed in your inbox? Whether you’re waiting for any specific messages or not, you should still check your spam folder regularly.


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Optimisation of the ETH printer landscape

  • 1800 trees
  • 80 tons of CO2 emissions
  • 930, 70, 700, 300 printers
  • 18 million DIN A4 pages

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Welcome to ETH Zurich / First steps

School is over, and the start of your studies is approaching. Congratulations! You have made your decision and are starting at ETH Zurich. I’m sure it’s with anticipation, respect and a little bit of fear. Keep in mind that everyone is as clueless as you are. The IT Services (ITS) will support you in IT matters, just like all those who started before you. And we understand that many question marks are buzzing in your heads.


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IT Newsletter inside|out No. 31 published

“Knowing what’s going on in IT at ETH Zurich”: The 30th newsletter inside|out is online.

Background icons for the current newsletter inside|out No. 31

Have you noticed?

Each image has background icons that match the theme. These are the background icons for the current newsletter inside|out No. 31.


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Collaboration in the eResearch project and probably the shortest project proposal

ETH’s funding programmes are there to bring visionary ideas to life. Whether it is for aspiring scientists, experienced researchers or interdisciplinary teams: ETH offers financial resources to make research dreams come true and opens doors to state-of-the-art laboratories, cutting-edge equipment and international collaborations.


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Way-up: the shortened IT apprenticeship at ETH

Graduation in two years: The Way-up pilot has been designed in close collaboration with the IT Training Lab and the ISG D-PHYS and D-ITET and will be offered at ETH from August 2023 in the computer science apprenticeship as the first profession in the specialisation of platform development.


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Stop using standby for monitors

We can all do our bit to save electricity. Be it switching off standby on our monitors, shutting down PCs or disconnecting unneeded devices from the power supply.


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Saving energy with power distribution units

ITS INFRA has installed power distribution units in their Octavo laboratory; these not only measure the energy consumption for each connection, but also allow remote switching of the connected devices.


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Making of inside|out No. 30

“Knowing what’s going on in IT at ETH Zurich”: The 30th newsletter inside|out is online.

Background icons for the current newsletter inside|out No. 30
Background icons for the current newsletter inside|out No. 30

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