Information security campaign: Call to participate

You’ll run into “sneaky green monsters” everywhere at ETH. They are the face of the current campaign of the Information Security Officer Boards (ISO Boards). This campaign is coming to an end, and the ISOs are looking for a new idea. What comes after the monsters? We need your help!

The campaign

The campaign aims to raise awareness about information security among ETH members and give them tips in order to prevent “IT accidents” of all kinds, for example. The monster campaign mainly dealt with the proper handling of data. A new campaign is to be launched now which deals with current priorities.

Take part and win

Would you like to help shape the follow-up “information security awareness” campaign?

The CISO and the organisation of Information Security Officers (ISO) are currently collecting ideas, themes and core statements that they want to include in the next awareness campaign. Naturally, creativity makes an impression. The best idea will be rewarded with a gift certificate. So hand in your ideas until the end of January and help shape the next campaign at ETH Zurich.

Please send your ideas to:

Anja Harder, Chief IT Security Officer IT Services
Domenico Salvati, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), General Secretariat


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