Impressions from the Cybersecurity Forum in Singapore

International research universities have launched a cybersecurity forum in Singapore. Visit of ETH Zurich & impressions of Dr. Rui Brandao in the ETH-Blog.

Cyber security is a topic that is becoming increasingly important in almost all areas of our lives and, of course, in universities. The first International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) Cybersecurity Forum, held in Singapore, brought together thought leaders and researched best practices and management insights into member universities› IT services. In a world of digital interference and threats to cyber security, it was not surprising that ETH Zurich’s peer universities are facing similar challenges.


Founded in 2006, the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) is a network of 11 international research-intensive universities from 9 countries worldwide. Its members share similar values, a global vision and a commitment to training future world leaders. These values focus on the importance of academic diversity and international cooperation, which is reflected in the principles of the IARU.


Dr. Rui Brandao, Director of IT Services at ETH Zurich

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