Exchange of large files
Our tip if your file is too large to be sent by email (>20 MB) or if you want to exchange files in an encrypted and secure way:
- polybox (polybox | ETH Zurich – data in ETH)
- NAS (Network Attached Storage (NAS) | ETH Zurich – data in ETH)
- RDM (Research Data Management | ETH Zurich – data in ETH)
Alternatives in the university sphere:
- SWITCHfilesender – data in the SWITCH cloud
Alternatives outside universities:
- Infomaniak (SwissTransfer – Send large files securely and free of charge – data in CH)
- IT Services will provide technical support if you want to share large data quantities. You can reach ITS Scientific IT Services (ITS SIS) via the ITS Service Desk or by email
- ITS Service Desk,
Update link 5.3.2024: You can find the Switch Filesender directly at Thanks to Roman Walt for the hint