Making-of inside|out No. 27 / Take a guess at the IT find
“Knowing what’s going on in IT at ETH Zurich”: The 27th newsletter inside|out is online.

We give ITS a face
We continue to defy Corona. Once again we were able to do a photo shoot on location at the Octavo. One picture appears typical of how the project really worked: namely virtually via Zoom. This way we can again put a face to the ITS staff. This time we even had 3 guests: thanks for the good cooperation to Manu Heim, ETH CC, Adrian Meier Section Manager Security, ETH SSHE and Roland Nisple Section Manager Fire and Explosion Protection, ETH SSHE. Safety first. With all protective measures, of course.
What an effort it was again to find the accessories. When the result is in, one thinks back with a smile. Thanks to Gerhild Müller for the many background icons until the right one was found.

Topics in this issue
- Accessible indoor navigation at ETH / Barrier-free directions
- Globus GridFTP / New ETH data sharing service
- More digital accessibility for everyone at ETH
- New retention period for Zoom cloud recordings / new policy
- New ETH mass alerting solution for fire/evac & school shooting/barricading
- Info about the ETH Doodle
- IT find for guessing / IT puzzle: Journey back in time
- Informatiktage 2022 / discover the programme now
IT find
Take a guess and help the IT Services and ETH Zurich find out more about the IT find. You can read this and much more in this issue.
- Launch & Start-up
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Don’t miss future issues of the inside|out newsletter: On the following pages you can register for the German newsletter and/or the English newsletter.
Editorial & Contact
- Dr Rui Brandao, ITS Director
- Sabine Hoffmann, ITS Management, Head PR & Communications
- Gerhild Müller, ITS Management, Newsletter Service Owner
- Contact
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