Making of Newsletter inside|out No. 24 / Subscribe to IT News

“Find out what’s going on in terms of IT at ETH Zurich”: The 24th issue of inside|out newsletter is online.

Icons for the current newsletter inside|out No. 24
Icons for the current newsletter inside|out No. 24

Organization before the shoot

Every inside|out newsletter is different. This issue, like the one before, was particularly interesting because of Corona:

  • We were almost 100% in home office, working remote
  • A group shoot was out of the question
  • Individual shoots, which were to be put together later, were unfortunately also out of the question because of the Corona measures. So our «set box», as in inside|out no. 22, is still slumbering at the ETH carpenter’s workshop.
  • At least we were able to film the ETH data disposal on site and our mediamatics trainess produced a video from it.

Topics of this issue

  • Behind the scenes: Flexible emergency operations in teaching
  • IT Support in Dakar Senegal, Africa
  • ETH Data disposal: secure and certified
  • Informatiktage 2021: Programmes online, with ITS participation
  • PKI Certificate Management: using certificates to defend against cyber attacks
  • IT Knowledge Base with step-by-step instructions



Don’t miss future issues of the inside|out newsletter: On the following pages you can register for the German newsletter and/or the English newsletter.

Editorial & Contact

  • Dr Rui Brandao, ITS Director
  • Sabine Hoffmann, ITS Management, Head PR & Communications
  • Gerhild Müller, ITS Management, Newsletter Service Owner
  • Contact

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