Video studio of ETH Zurich

The video studio was officially opened on 28 September 2016 in the presence of the rector, several representatives of the university communication, LET and IT Services. The collective tenor in the short speeches was the strong conviction that the importance and the quantity of video content will continue to grow, and the organisation of an appropriate production infrastructure thus came at the right time.

A variety of production options for different applications

Afterwards, ITS MMS provided a small overview of the production options at the studio, which we were able to try out first-hand thanks to the friendly encouragement from the rector:

  • Person videos: Statements, interviews, discussions of up to four people and several cameras
  • Content videos: Teaching and learning videos, especially for the e-learning section (MOOC, TORQUE)
  • Object videos: Elaborate/high-quality recordings of objects



In every variant, we could have recourse to a corporate horizon (see image) as well as a black and a white horizon. The latter can be designed in (almost) any colours. The green screen that rounds out the performance spectrum of the studio (Wikipedia: Chroma key) was also presented. It should fulfil the requirements of the academic customers (e-learning, scientific communication, documentation, etc.) with only a few exceptions.

Terms of use and contact

The video studio can be booked directly through Martin Wieser, who is the director of the studio (email:, telephone: +41 44 633 43 28), and it is possible to inspect the facilities or test the production options. They can be seen in advance on the website of the video studio of ETH Zurich, which is also where the terms of use are listed.

The articles in ETH life September 2016 provide a good impression of the routine production that has been carried out since operation began in the spring.

Open house day

Last but not least, all ETH affiliates have the opportunity to become acquainted with the studio on our open house day, which will be on 2 November. Please send your registration to (9 am – 4 pm). We look forward to seeing you!

ITS Multimedia Services – IT Services | Services & resources | ETH Zurich



(external translation)

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