Young ’n› Rising: Open for Business

ETH trainees at Young ’n› Rising grow on real assignments and gain practical experience across professions.

ETH  Young ’n‘ Rising
ETH Young ’n‘ Rising

Young ’n› Rising is a team led by trainees; it offers services in the form of interdisciplinary projects for all those associated with ETH Zurich. Alongside its goal of providing these services reliably and to a suitable level of quality, trainees› primary focus is gaining practical experience and expanding and consolidating their vocational skills.

Young ’n› Rising thus expands on the teaching in the relevant vocational fields with an element that focuses on aspects like customer orientation and interdisciplinary collaboration. The independent work on genuine commissions from clients thus reinforces the trainees› self-reliance and enables them to learn how to deal with time pressure, expectations and limiting framework conditions in a practically oriented and experience-based way.

Composition Young ’n› Rising

The team consists of trainees in various professions. At present, five prospective computer scientists (specialising in application development and systems engineering), one interactive media design trainee, one mediamatics trainee and one school trainee in Commerce are working together.


Employees of ETH Zurich can benefit from this service and apply for assignments with Young ’n› Rising. Young ’n› Rising is happy to receive enquiries about assignments via the contact form (German only) and is looking forward to supporting exciting projects.

Young ’n› Rising in the News

IT Teaching & IT Training Lab


  • Martin Schneider, Coach at Young ’n› Rising and Deputy Head of the IT Training Lab
  • Marc Winkler, IT Vocational Training Director and Head of IT Training Lab

Young ’n› Rising Film coming soon…

The Young ’n› Rising film is currently still in production. Soon you will find the final product on the Website and at the same time you will get to know Young ’n› Rising a little better. We look forward to your visit…your Young ’n› Rising team!

Before filming, the trainees' ideas were visualised in a storyboard
Before filming, the trainees› ideas were visualised in a storyboard
Motivated and committed to the goal!
Motivated and committed to the goal!
The drone was used for the bird's eye view
The drone was used for the bird’s eye view
We give you an insight into the different professions of Young 'n' Rising
We give you an insight into the different professions of Young ’n› Rising

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