Making of Newsletter inside|out No. 23
“Find out what’s going on in terms of IT at ETH Zurich”: The 23rd issue of inside|out newsletter is online.

Organization before the shoot
Every inside|out newsletter has its own challenges. This issue, like the one before it, was particularly challenging because of Corona:
- All those who were to be photographed were still working remote at home
- A group shoot was out of question, because of too much proximity
- Single shoots only in the «set box» as in inside|out no. 22. The pictures should be put together later as a group. The ETH carpentry had already produced this set for us for the previous issue. It still stood as a «silent witness» in the big STB meeting room
However, the tightening of the corona measures meant that this time we could not go through with it as planned. And therefore we could not give the ITS staff a face. Unfortunately we had to unload all the photographed people shortly before the shoot. The pictures (and a lot more) would have kept the employees in the photo. Now there were only these pictures without people.
«Behind the Scenes»: Safety first, therefore photo without ITS staff
Topics of this issue
- Network expansion during the crisis / 30,000 successfully sent to home working
- Online Exams in the Covid Age / In-person Exams despite COVID-19
- Working from Home securely / COVID-19 doesn’t stop Hackers
- Young ’n› Rising: Open for Business / You benefit. We learn from it.
- ʺSmart Working Training Daysʺ for Microsoft 365/Teams
- An IT puzzle – a trip back in time / Who’s familiar with this IT find?
- SWITCH edu-ID & swisscovery / New Access for the ETH Library
IT find / IT puzzle
Series IT-Fundstück 3/2020: What do you associate with it? Why don’t you join in and guess?

And anyone who has a found object in their office or in the ETH warehouses is welcome to contact the inside|out editorial team. We are already planning the next puzzle and find.
- Launch & Start-up
- Web page Newsletter inside|out
Don’t miss future issues of the inside|out newsletter: On the following pages you can register for the German newsletter and/or the English newsletter.
Editorial & Contact
- Dr Rui Brandao, ITS Director
- Sabine Hoffmann, ITS Management, Head PR & Communications
- Gerhild Müller, ITS Management, Newsletter Service Owner
- Contact