Wooden buildings: a natural carbon sink boosted by modern manufacturing technologies
On 23.06.2021 by Xuqian YanWood is an ancient construction material, but it has been gradually substituted with concrete and steel. However, the advantages of wood are now being (re)discovered as sustainability becomes a global interest and advanced manufacturing technologies become available. This article focuses on its advantages in carbon capture, digital construction, and prefabrication. Read More

Why old buildings matter – The story of building refurbishments
On 10.06.2021 by Mario FreiIt is estimated that buildings are responsible for 36% of global final energy use and 40% of the energy-related greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. Buildings are also complex machines with long life cycles, which include regular maintenance and updates. Thus, buildings and particularly building refurbishments provide manifold and exciting opportunities to address climate change issues at low cost and with (free) co-benefits. Read More

Unser Beitrag zum Klimaschutz – Was können wir selbst und was kann die Schweiz tun?
On 27.05.2021 by Christian Schaffner, Anthony Patt, Marco MazzottiHeute ist nationaler Klimatag in der Schweiz. Wir haben nicht mehr viel Zeit, um unsere Klimaziele zu erreichen und den von uns versprochenen Anteil im Kampf gegen die Klimaerwärmung umzusetzen. Aber wir haben bereits heute ganz konkrete Möglichkeiten, einen Beitrag zu leisten. Sei das in der Wahl unseres nächsten Autos, bei der Sanierung unseres Eigenheims, oder bei der Wahl der Feriendestination. Und dabei kann die Schweiz zu einem Vorzeigeland von technisch, wirtschaftlich und auch gesellschaftlich machbaren Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung werden. Packen wir es an! Read More

Our contribution to climate mitigation – What can we do personally and what can Switzerland do?
On 27.05.2021 by Christian Schaffner, Anthony Patt, Marco MazzottiToday is National Climate Day in Switzerland. We don’t have much time left to reach our climate goals and to implement our promised share in the fight against global warming – but we already have concrete ways to contribute today! Be it in the choice of our next car, the refurbishment of our own home, or the choice of our vacation destination. Switzerland could become a showcase country for technically, economically and socially feasible solutions for a sustainable energy supply. Let’s do it! Read More

Keeping it cool in Switzerland: The critical impact of air-conditioning uptake
On 11.05.2021 by Robin Mutschler, Philipp Heer, Sven Eggimann, Martin RuedisueliToday, only a minority of Swiss households have air conditioners installed for cooling. This might change due to the warming climate and the growing integration of heat pumps to new buildings, which can be used for heating and cooling. The Swiss cooling energy demand may reach a similar order of magnitude compared to the heating demand by mid-century onwards, which could have a significant impact on the energy system. Read More

Let’s pay more attention to the co-benefits of Switzerland’s decarbonization targets
On 19.04.2021 by Massimo Filippini, Florian Landis, Gustav Fredriksson, Jonas SavelsbergTo help keep global warming in check, Switzerland has committed to a net-zero emissions target by the mid-century. The required energy transition will likely give rise to costs, but it will also yield large co-benefits in terms of, for instance, improved health outcomes from less pollution. These benefits from the energy transition are, however, often overlooked. We argue that to take sound decisions related to the energy transition, it is important to consider all the associated costs as well as benefits. Read More

福島から10年後 – When institutional incumbents hinder energy transitions: Japan’s energy story
On 29.03.2021 by Bessie NollBessie is a PhD student in the Energy Politics Group at ETH Zurich studying the transport transition. As part of a mid-PhD internship with the Schweizerische Energie-Stiftung (SES), she travelled to Japan in January 2021 to research and report on the 10-year anniversary of the Fukushima disaster of 2011. A more detailed reporting as part of the SES project can be found here. Read More

Embracing globalization to foster the energy transition
On 02.03.2021 by Xuqian YanGlobalization could benefit the energy transition in many ways. Inevitably, however, some factors might hinder the process, such as resistance from the current beneficiaries and concerns for energy security. With an empathetic mindset and willingness to find win-win solutions, we could hopefully solve the issues and fully utilize the power of globalization to foster the energy transition. Read More

The hitchhiker’s guide to navigating battery misinformation
On 15.02.2021 by Fei WuUnprecedented technological advances, drastic cost declines, and the global transition toward low-carbon infrastructure have made batteries one of the most important technologies of our times. Separating facts about batteries from fiction is vital, especially in a time of rampant misinformation. This guide highlights some of the red flags you should look out for while traversing the seemingly infinite universe of battery information. Read More

Promoting renewable energy sources in Greece: the need for change and the obstacles along the way
On 05.02.2021 by Gabriela HugClimate change urges every country to take action. Greece has decided to phase-out lignite, a key fuel in its energy mix, and increase the installed capacity of renewable energy sources. Citizens often oppose new renewable energy investments, like new wind farms. What can the Greek government do to ease this transition? Read More

Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) and car sharing: Joining forces to decarbonize electricity and transport?
On 25.01.2021 by Christine Johanna GschwendtnerHow can we couple future developments in the electricity and transport systems to support decarbonization? Combining Vehicle-to-Grid and car sharing could foster both innovations and achieve synergies in decarbonizing both sectors. Read More

When computational models can evaluate the impact of policies objectively, why are they rarely used in public policymaking?
On 14.12.2020 by Marius SchwarzWhat should the future Swiss energy system look like? How can nuclear power be replaced? Will we have enough electricity on days where no sun is shining, no wind is blowing, and heating demand is high? Without clear answers, the discussion on the future Swiss energy system becomes bipartisan and emotional. Computational models can provide answers, facilitating a discussion less driven by subjective impressions but rather by profound technical analysis. Read More

Beyond more Chargers for Electric Vehicles in Zurich
On 10.11.2020 by Gracia BrückmannThe conventional wisdom is that to increase battery electric vehicle (BEV) uptake, we need more charging points. However, when we spoke with citizens, car dealership representatives, representatives from car import companies, and local government about the challenges and opportunities for BEVs in Zurich, they mention different challenges, too, and present solutions to overcome them e.g., including BEVs in coherent sustainable transport systems and reducing political uncertainty. Read More

Data exchange via virtual assistants is key to unlocking the full potential of the future energy system
On 01.10.2020 by Matthias SulzerConnecting buildings to a cross-sectoral, decentralized energy system is a proven means of integrating more renewable energy sources and further increasing energy efficiency. However, the operation of such highly interconnected energy systems is becoming painstaking. Data and algorithms will be the key to overcome these pains and to unlock the innovative systems’ full potential. Read More
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