ITS SWS developer get-together

The ITS Software Services (ITS SWS) section has been organising developer meetings at ETH Zurich since January 2013. There are two goals behind these get-togethers: on the one hand, we want to establish best practices by promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences. In doing so we want to strengthen the level of software development in ITS SWS (and at the ETH in general), and compensate for any knowledge gaps.

On the other hand, we want to give dedicated colleagues the opportunity, in a semi-public arena, to improve their skills in relation to the presentation of technical knowledge and experiences. Not every presentation needs to be a show and blow the audience away. But when the people in the audience lose interest and start «playing» with their smartphones, the goal of conveying knowledge is unlikely to be achieved. The presenters should obtain the experience they need to convey content in a harmonious and exciting manner in the constructive atmosphere of the developer meetings.

Previous get-togethers

There have been 28 get-togethers ( so far. In addition to the exchange of experiences, new tools and techniques are introduced and reports from conferences are also provided.

Most presentations were made by software developers from the SWS section. At two meetings, SWS trainees introduced the new Java versions (2016: Java 8, 2018: Java 9). For three of the meetings we were able to obtain external speakers: Michael Wechner on «Advanced Testing» (2015), Oliver Nautsch on «Docker and Continuous Delivery» (Jan. 2017) and Raffael Schmit on «Docker and Kubernetes» (Sept. 2017).

Target group

The developer get-togethers are not only geared towards SWS employees. Developers from other ITS sections as well as external developers are more than welcome to participate (also from outside the ETH). Information on the next meetings will be communicated via the mailing list


Interested persons can register at (list javaentwtreffs) or directly with Benno Luthiger (

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