Who can participate?
The program addresses female researchers of all levels from life sciences, natural sciences, medicine, health, psychology, finance, law, humanities and social sciences), currently working at Swiss Universities, the ETH domain or Universities of Applied Sciences (incl. related institutions)
A maximum of 25 women per round will be admitted.
How to apply
feminno round 8 is currently running.
Follow feminno on LinkedIn to see what we are doing.
In case you are interested to join feminno round 9 (tent. start date Sept 2025), send an email to daniela.gunz@uzh.ch and you will be put on a mailing list and will be notified when the application window for feminno round 9 opens.
CHF 150 for a PhD students and CHF 400 for a Postdoc of ETH Zurich or University of Zurich
CHF 800 for all other postdocs and PhD students of a Swiss University or University of Applied Sciences (other than ETH Zurich and University of Zurich)
CHF 2200 for an alumna.
Selection of applications
The selection of applications is done based on the following criteria:
Relevance for career development
- Does the CV show that the applicant will profit from the program?
- Has the applicant convincingly expressed her commitment
for participating in the program? - Will the program give the applicant the new key competencies that will enable her to achieve her own and the program’s goals?
Relevance of research and startup idea
- Are its innovative aspects evident?
- Has the applicant outlined how her research results could be transformed into an innovative product or application?