Training Week 2011

We are very excited that we can hold another training week with the Russian Wold Finals Champions. Training week beginning already tomorrow, 17. – 22. October. This opportunity is open to all students! This training is guided by the Russian World Finals Winner and will start each day around 09.00. The program consists mainly of a contest (~5h) and a subsequent discussion, as it was the last times.
This time, also a very strong team from Nuremberg will participate.

Please bring your laptop, as you will code on your machines and we will not be in the student computer rooms.

Here are the rooms:
Mo. – Di., LWF E 15
Mi. – Fr., ML H 43

In case you don’t know where there rooms are, consult

Local Contest, Results

The first Local Contest held together with EPFL (PolyProg) is over and was very successful. Congratulations to all the winners! We are really happy that so many participated. Many problems got solved. Thanks to our sponsor Quatico Solutions AG we could again enjoy a superb apero after the contest.

Some impressions of the Local Contest and the final ranking after 5 hours:


Local Contest

The ETH ACM Local Contest will take place this Saturday, October 15, 2011. We are glad to hold the contest together with EPFL in Lausanne (PolyProg).

The competition takes 5 hours and consists of 5 to 10 problems. The allowed programming languages are the official ICPC programming languages C, C++ and Java. From the best 6 participants enrolled at ETH and that meet the Regional Contest eligibility requirements, two teams are formed that will represent ETH at the Regional Contest in Madrid.

If you participate in the Local Contest, you can win several prizes and even a trip to Madrid if you are among the 6 best contestants.

Schedule Local Contest, October 15

  • 09:00 Breakfast, Late registration
  • 09:45 Briefing, last questions, seat allocation
  • 10:00 Start of the contest
  • 15:00 End of the contest
  • 15:15 Announcement of the rankings
  • 15:30 Apero
Please be on time. We will not postpone the start of the contest. If you want to participate in the contest but have not yet participated in the trainings, please send an e-mail to acm {at} vis {dot} ethz {dot} ch, so that we can already register you in the system.


Rules: This is a “closed-book” contest. No material is allowed, i.e. no books, cheat cheats, Internet etc. The language references for C, C++ and Java will be available. For the detailed rules, consult ”Contest Rules”.


Browse through the ”Training” and ”About the ICPC” for further information.


We are glad to announce, that Quatico Solutions AG sponsors again the superb apero after the Local Contest.
Quatico Solutions AG

There is currently construction work done at the CAB building. Although we were told that they will not work this Saturday, it is still possible that they do so. Please bring earplugs if you do not want to get distracted by possible work noise!

Training Contest, Results

Again, a lot of students showed up for the second training. The tasks were a bit harder but also more interesting 😉

The final ranking:

Congratulations to Jan Hazla!

Next Training

The next full 5h training contest will take place this Saturday, October 8, 2011. Meeting point is the VIS bureau (CAB E31) @ 09:30. The  contest will start at 10:00am and last for 5 hours.


Welcome Contest

The first training together with the EPFL team went well and many problems got solved. The final rankings:

Congratulations to Vladimir Serbinenko!