The VIS and the D-INFK offer this fall semester again a training programme that is open to all students. The training consists again mainly of contests. We are glad to coordinate our efforts with the EPFL in Lausanne (PolyProg). So all trainings as well as the Local Contest (the selection contest) will be hold together online. The goal of these trainings is to improve the skills of the participating students, win the SWERC 2011 and participate in the World Finals for the second time, and to recruit new participating students.
If you want to participate in the trainings or in the upcoming Local Contest (Saturday October 15, 2011), please register at the VIS ACM Mailingliste, so that you will receive all updates and information and send an email to acm {at} vis {dot} ethz {dot} ch so that we approximately know how many students will participate. You can of course participate in the Local Contest without joining the trainings.
You can find all details of the Local Contest on the “About the ICPC” page.
The first training contest (Welcome Contest) with an introduction will be this Saturday afternoon, October 1, 2011. Meeting point is the VIS Bureau (CAB E 31) at 1:15pm. These training contests are also meant to be a starting point for students participating for the first time. An introduction to the contest and the system is given for the newbies. We also prepared some easier tasks for this first training and the contest is only three hours instead of five.
Please write us (acm {at} vis {dot} ethz {dot} ch) if you have problems accessing the CAB building on a Saturday.
The trainings are open to all ETH students that are interested in algorithmic (competitive) programming. Browse through “About the ICPC” and “Training” for more details.