CPC Meetups Season Finale

Today, we had the last CPC Meetup of this semester. For this special session, Marc discussed the slope trick, and Paula presented on finding cycles in planar graphs where every vertex has a degree of at least 3. We concluded the meetup with pizza. See you next semester!

ETH CP Contest Results

On May 11th, we organized the largest competitive programming contest in ETH’s history. Over 100 people participated in teams of up to three members. Most teams consisted of ETH CS Bachelor’s and Master’s students, but there were also a few ETH PhD teams.

After the contest ended, we held an Apéro combined with a problem tutorial session, where we presented the solutions to our problems.

Constantin announcing the results after getting API work

Thanks to QuantCo, we had crazy prizes lined up for the top 3 teams and the best ersti team. They also sponsored the snacks&sandwiches during the contest and the Apéro after the contest. Their support was essential for the success of the contest.

Top 20
  • mETHroners (3D Printers + ANC Headphones)
  • Mr Malnars Lethal Peppers (ANC Headphones)
  • uhh this should actually be first place, sorry, system error (ANC Headphones)
  • 2musiketeers (ANC Headphones as the best Ersti Team)

JetBrains sent us vouchers for their merchandise store, and we came up with the following categories to award them.

  • Wrong answer on test 151 for getting first AC in the second minute
  • ML and AC for getting the last AC three minutes prior to the end of the contest
  • one forall for the first AC in Glitchy Language Model
  • börhack for getting AC after 10 unsuccessful attempts on Broken Polybahn
  • Bitwise Bandits for the most number of Mates on the table during contest.

Check out the blog post on Codeforces. You’ll find the problem set and tutorial slides there.

We were around 11 people who worked hard to bring this contest to life. Organizing a competitive programming contest for 100 participants was no easy task. We had to prepare the problem set, manage logistics like arranging food and drinks, reserve a suitable room, get the API to work for the scoreboard and prizes, and handle the printing.

Thanks to all members of CPC who helped for the contest(in alphabetical order): Ahmet, Antti, Benni, Constantin, Jan, Justina, Marc, Mihnea, Oleksandr, Oliver and Sascha.

well-deserved bubble tea after the committee dinner

ICPC World Finals 46th and 47th Results

On the 19th of April the joint World finals for 46 and 47th edition were held in Luxor, Egypt. It was an unusual World Finals as Covid had postponed previous editions so two were held jointly. ETH Zurich had teams qualify for both, in the 46th edition the team mETHodical was represented by Andrzej Turko, Christopher Burckhardt, Paula Vidas and their coach Bernhard Linn. In the 47th edition the team gETHyped was represented by Theodor Moroianu, Andon Todorov, Marc Dufay and their coach Antti Röyskö.

There were 11 problems given and the two contests shared 5 problems of which they had 5 hours to solve. ETHz team mETHodical made it to the 44th place out of 124 teams in the 46th edition with 6 problems solved, and ETHz team gETHyped made it to the 38th place out of 130 teams in the 47th edition with 5 problems solved. This year Peking University took first place in the 46th edition and National Research University Higher School of Economics took first place in the 47th edition. The coach for mETHodical, Bernhard also achieved 4th place in the ICPC Challenge for Coaches.

Congratulations to the teams!

Benni against tourist!

ETH Teams Won the Helvetic Coding Contest

Over the past weekend, we traveled to EPFL to participate in the Helvetic Coding Contest. The contest was well-organized, with lots of balloons, unlimited El Tony Mates, and fantastic prizes. A big thank you to the organizers!

The results were as expected. The professional category was won by the team “Felt smart(might unparticipate later)” consisting of Antti and Oleksandr from ETH. They dominated the contest from the start, never relinquishing their lead and solving 20 of 21 problems. The team “Breakfast Master Toaster” from ETH consisting of Michal, Priska and Andrei won the student category by solving 16 of 21 problems. Congrats to both teams!

ICPC European Championship 2024

We participated in the ICPC EUC last weekend in Prague, where we competed against the top 13 teams from each European region. dETHroners(Teo, Paula, Michal), finished 11th out of 52 teams. While this event offered teams a chance to qualify for the ICPC World Finals 2024 in Kazakhstan, dETHroners got their spot by smashing the SWERC in Paris earlier this year.

On Friday morning, Teo, Michal, and Ahmet were so eager that they hit Zurich airport super early. Meanwhile, Paula arrived just in time, having timed her arrival two minutes before boarding perfectly. Once in Prague, we hopped on trams that seemed to have witnessed the invention of the wheel. Further, we did an extensive sightseeing thanks to Michal’s guiding skills. Almost geting lost in a train station? But hey, we did not get stuck in the train station this time 🙂

The opening ceremony was a blast, filled with Czech humor and a Soviet Theremin Concert. And who could forget the surprise guests: Boston Dynamics Robots… most of them managed to walk, at least.

The Czech Technical University was like a fantasy world: elevators called “paternosters” and doors straight out of a hobbit’s dream. Of course, snapping pics by those hobbit doors was important—memories to show after 20 years?

During the contest, the coaches had to listen to a one-hour answer by the ICPC Executive Director explaining why ACM stopped sponsoring ICPC. Fortunately, Ahmet was preoccupied with the mirror contest alongside the Coach of Universität des Saarlandes.

Overall, everyone was impressed by the Prague organizers, who managed to avoid any major issues this time, unlike the two-hour power outage during the last contest in Prague. Some attendees were puzzled by the decision to hold the contest under a glass ceiling though!

ETH Dethroned SWERC 2023-24

During the last weekend of January, two teams from ETH Zürich, led by coaches Ahmet and Bernhard, participated in the ICPC Southwestern Europe Regional Contest held in Paris. The contest included 108 teams from 65 institutions spanning France, Israel, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland.

True to the name, the dETHroners(Theodor, Paula, and Michal) dethroned the SWERC, achieving the gold medal and first place with 11 solved problems. This marked a historic moment for ETH, as our last first-place finish was 13 years ago.

doublETHink(Jasmin, Chris, and Ema) solved 8 problems and narrowly missed the bronze medal due to a slight time penalty.

Besides, doublETHink were the first team to solve the problem J, while dETHroners accomplished the same feat for problem G.

This performance qualified the dETHroners for the upcoming ICPC European Championship in Prague this March and the World Finals in Astana this September.

1 hour and 36 minutes to the end, the race for the second place heats up
Final Standings

Swiss Subregional 2023-24

Swiss Subregional 2023-24 took place on December 9th at ETH, EPFL and USI. All three top positions within the top 3 were secured by students from ETH, with a total of six students from ETH achieving positions in the top 10. We have added it to Codeforces Gym for future training, more info can be found here.

Johannes maintaining “Balloon Distributor” and Bernhard managing 4 different contests
Konstantin blowing up balloons for “Guess Gauss”
Yuda and Mihnea trying to figure out how Ahmet mapped the seating plan
Balloon Squad continues their work
Bernhard checking if everything runs smoothly after answering every question with “Read the Statement”
Congratulations to Theodor, Paula and Michał for getting into Top 3