It has been well said that Kloosterman sums are everywhere. Back in August, I showed how to visualize them on an ordinary laptop or desktop computer — software available also on its own page.
However, modern enlightened thought holds that availability on even the smallest of netbooks is not a good measure of ubiquity. Hence, without further ado, I am happy to introduce Pocket Kloostermania, the Android version. An installable package file can be downloaded from this link; it, and the source code, are also available now on the Kloostermania page; the license remains GPLv2.
Here’s what it looks like on the emulator.
Features/user manual are:
* The program has been installed and tested only on a Nexus One; it probably requires at least Android 2.0, but should be adaptable to earlier ones.
* On startup, the program displays the graph for S(1,1;173).
* Changes of orientation of the screen are recognized.
* Pressing the Menu soft key brings three choices (as seen on the picture):
Modulus and sum displays on the screen the modulus of the current sum (the two other parameters are always 1 and 1) as well as its value;
New sum shows a text input dialog where a new modulus can be entered; to finish input, press either Done on the soft keyboard, or the Back soft key, and the new sum will be drawn (with a modulus rounded to the nearest prime number);
About gives the version number and license information.
You might want to add a QR code for people to go directly from the phone to the apk. I don’t know if the link below will work in a comment, but you can go to the website and retrieve the picture. By the way, it works fine on my G1 with android 1.5. Thanks for the program and the source code, maybe I’ll get brave and try to learn to program for android.
Thanks! It’s nice to know there is at least one user beside me.
I’ll add the QR code and post it on the page.