Eva Goossens’ master’s thesis on Open Access consulting services at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, which also deals with Coffee Lectures, was added to the list.
The following entries were recently added to the publication list:
Katrin Wieckhorst and Celine Neeser: Von der Coffee Lecture zur ausgearbeiteten Präsentation – ein erfolgreiches Instrument der Informationsvermittlung in den digitalen Semestern an der MSH Medical School Hamburg.
Martin Schlemmer: „Coffee Lectures“ des Landesarchivs im Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen in Düsseldorf.
OPL-Checklist 43 by Sabrina Zoller on Coffee Lectures in One-Person-Libaries.
Article by Annette Strauch-Davey about a Coffee Lecture by UB Hildesheim on FAIR Data Austria and research data management in Austria.
Another new publication on Coffee Lectures by Annette Strauch: Forschungsdatenmanagement – Unterstützung in Zeiten von Corona. UB Hildesheim: FDM-Coffee Lectures und Summer School im digitalen Raum. b.i.t. online 2020, Ausgabe 3, 264–265. (PDF)
The literature list has also been updated, including a link to the slides of a talk Annette Strauch gave at the International Conference on Emerging Global Trends in University Library Development (ICEGTULD 2019). Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultran, Kazakhstan, June 6–7, 2019.
New on the bibliography: the bachelor thesis of Lisa Böhme at the HTWK Leipzig, which also discusses a Coffee Lecture on AI at the ThULB Jena.
Eva Goossens’ master’s thesis on Open Access consulting services at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, which also deals with Coffee Lectures, was added to the list.
The following entries were recently added to the publication list:
Katrin Wieckhorst and Celine Neeser: Von der Coffee Lecture zur ausgearbeiteten Präsentation – ein erfolgreiches Instrument der Informationsvermittlung in den digitalen Semestern an der MSH Medical School Hamburg.
Martin Schlemmer: „Coffee Lectures“ des Landesarchivs im Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen in Düsseldorf.
OPL-Checklist 43 by Sabrina Zoller on Coffee Lectures in One-Person-Libaries.
Article by Annette Strauch-Davey about a Coffee Lecture by UB Hildesheim on FAIR Data Austria and research data management in Austria.
Another new publication on Coffee Lectures by Annette Strauch: Forschungsdatenmanagement – Unterstützung in Zeiten von Corona. UB Hildesheim: FDM-Coffee Lectures und Summer School im digitalen Raum. b.i.t. online 2020, Ausgabe 3, 264–265. (PDF)
The German publication Lutz Rambow: Kein kalter Kaffee: Das Veranstaltungsformat “Bibliothek nach Tisch” im Deutschen Bundestag has been added.
New in the list is the field report by Sven Ködel & Ulrike Blumenthal: Coffee Lectures at the German Historical Institute Paris, published in O-Bib.
The literature list has also been updated, including a link to the slides of a talk Annette Strauch gave at the International Conference on Emerging Global Trends in University Library Development (ICEGTULD 2019). Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultran, Kazakhstan, June 6–7, 2019.