Important Links

New students to Zürich

Kreisburos in Zurich: Address (with map) and Telephone numbers.
SBB to check out tram and bus connectivity and schedule.
VVZ ETH’s online course catalog.
Google Maps detailed bus/tram/car routes for Zurich.

ETH Zürich

People Search search all registered students and staff of ETH.
MyStudies Online portal to manage your student account, register for courses and exams.
IT Services email setup, remote login (VPN), online storage, student homepage etc.
ETH Library (one time registration at the main library in ETH HG required)
ETH IT Shop (IDES) many software products are given cheap or free for ETH students
Sprachen Zentrum Language center for ETH/UNI (for German and other language courses)
Immigration guidelines, residency, healthcare etc. for International students
Banking for International Students – Must Read!
ETH – VPP to take printouts from ETH rooms using ETH computers, personal laptops.
SMS get facility to send 10 SMS per day (even international ones)

News and Entertainment

Swiss news in English.
Few Indian channels available live.


Marktplatz: search for rentals (in German)
WOKO: Organization to help students with single room accommodation.