Osmiine bees of Morocco

A critical evaluation of the occurrence of certain osmiine bee species in Morocco resulted in the following findings:

a) Hoplitis (Pentadentosmia) helouanensis most probably does not occur in Morocco as already assumed by Warncke (1991a). It is replaced in the Maghreb by the closely related H. villiersi. The records of H. helouanensis from Morocco listed by Warncke (1991a) are exactly the same as those given for H. villiersi in the same publication, which clearly points to an error made by the author. Thus, H. helouanensis is eliminated from the list of Moroccon bees.

b) Hoplitis (Anthocopa) bisulca most probably does not occur in Morocco. It is replaced in the Maghreb by the closely related H. quadrispina. Thus, H. bisulca is eliminated from the list of Moroccon bees.

c) The two records of Hoplitis (Alcidamea) grandiscapa from Morocco given by Warncke (1991h) refer to H. occidentalis; as no other records exist for Morocco, the species is eliminated from the list of Moroccon bees.

d) Among the material of Osmia (Helicosmia) melanogaster from Morocco, a female of the closely related O. labialis was found; this is the first record of this species for Morocco.

e) The identity of Protosmia (Protosmia) stelidoides described from Algeria is unclear as the type specimen is lost (Griswold, 1985). Since there are no reliable records from Morocco, the species is eliminated from the list of Moroccon bees.

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