
General Body Meeting (GBM)

Dear InSAZ members,

The next general body meeting (GBM) is scheduled for April 4th between 6:30pm – 8.30pm at ETH Zentrum (GEP Alumni Pavilion). Drinks and snacks will be provided.

Note that your registration will only be valid if you are a member. Registration will be checked prior to the event.

Agenda (prospective; final agenda will be communicated by email):

– Presentation of general report of past activities
– Presentation of financial report by treasurer
– Approval of any proposed changes to the constitution
– Nomination and election of new EC members and the president
– Nomination and voting in of honorary members
– Miscellaneous

The constitution can be found here:

If you have any motions you would like to bring up at the GBM, hand them in no later than 3 days before the eventĀ (i.e. March 31st) in written form to

General Body Meeting (GBM)

InSAZ Constituent General Body Meeting (GBM)

We welcome you to join our constituent general body meeting (GBM) on April 5th at 6:30pm. The room is to be determined and will be announced shortly. Drinks and snacks will be provided!

Note that your registration will only be valid if you are a member. Registration will be checked prior to the event.

Since this is the first GBM and you, the members, will be voting in the Executive Committee as well as decide on whether or not to accept the constitution, we kindly ask you to read our constitution before the event. It can be found here:

If you have any motions you would like to bring up at the GBM, hand them in no later than 3 days before the event in written form to (i.e. April 2nd).

InSAZ Constituent General Body Meeting (GBM)